Crouching Lion, Hidden Ramen

Cheers to the friends we make, cheers to the ones who will travel with you, call you when they can’t be there traveling, and will entertain all your silly ideas of traveling and give you more. Cheers to the friends who wake up before dawn to hike mountains and canyons with you, who will find…

Lava’ing in the Moment

There is a place where the stairs meet the sky, where the mountain opens on to a vista of the whole of Honolulu, the view is awe inspiring and you are closer to the shining tropical sun than ever before. But because you are so close to the sun, you are also sweating through every…

On Top of the World and Under the Sea

As promised I give to you, a play by play of a casual weekend on the island of Oahu. Oahu rose from the sea out of the mouth of a volcano and around it, the mountains, reefs and forests formed; with them came magic forest spirits and mermaids. Magic still exists on this island but…

Aloha Oahu, I Love You

Round 2: Hectic packing the night before, bringing only the essentials, water-ski included this time though. Round 2: Waking up the whole family before the sun rises to get to LAX at a reasonable time. Round 2: Saying goodbye to everyone, telling them not to miss me, I’ll be home for Christmas this year after…